Frequently Asked Questions

Public transport

Airport buses from Tirana – Airport–Tirana

Autobuzet Luna operojne 24 ore 7 dite dhe nisen ne cdo 1 ore fikse. Nisja  mbrapa Teatrit te Operas dhe Baletit, afer sheshit Skenderbe dhe Rinas aeropot.

Luna buses operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, departing every 1 hour on a fixed schedule. Departure from behind the Opera and Ballet Theater, near Skanderbeg Square and Rinas Airport.

Click link for timetable/ Oraret e nisjeve : https://luna.al/timetable/

Biletat mund ti blini ne faqen tone Online: Tickets , ose brenda ne autobus. Nese e blini online mjafton ta tregoni bileten elektronike qe ju vjen me email pa e printuar ate. Biletat elektronike  qe blihet online eshte e vlefshme 24 ore qe nga moment qe blihet ne Website. Kjo per tu ardhur ne ndihme edhe nese orari I fluturimit tuaj ndryshon 

Tickets for the Luna bus can be purchased through our official website at: Tickets or they can be purchased conveniently onboard the bus. If you opt for online purchase, just present the electronic ticket received via email for entry, eliminating the need for printing. The online-purchased electronic ticket remains valid for 24 hours from the time of purchase on the website. This flexibility is intended to accommodate any changes in your flight schedule.

Bileta kushton 400 leke ose 4 euro. Mund te blihet online ose ne autobus me kash ose karte.

The ticket costs 400 Lek or 4 Euro and can be purchased online or in the buss which will accept cash as well as card payments.

Linja e autobusit ka vetem 2 stacione zyrtare, mbrapa Teatrit te Operas dhe Baletit dhe Ne Rinas, tek hapesira e parkimit te autobusave. Shoferet tane do bejne cfare munden per tju mare nese dilni ne rrugen ku autobuzi do kaloje dhe ka mundesi ndalimi pa perbere rrezik.

The bus line has only 2 official stops, behind the Opera and Ballet Theater and at Rinas, at the bus parking area. Our drivers will do their best to pick you up if you’re waiting along the route where the bus will pass and there is a safe stopping possibility.


Ne rastet e rralla si pershembull pritja e delegacioneve te huaja, policia rrugore bllokon segmente rruge ne udhetimit tone. Ju lutemi te informoheni ne media per oraret e bllokimit te rruges. Luna ju keshillon te niseni me shpejt.

In rare cases, such as when foreign delegations are expected, the traffic police may block road segments along our route. Please stay informed through the media about the road closure schedules. Luna advises you to depart earlier.

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+355 68 900 6146